£5.00 GBP
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With over 30 bookbinding suppliers across nine categories, each with a clickable link for easy research and shopping, this is your go-to resource, one you'll turn to time and time again.
It's the inside scoop on my favourite sources of everything you need to make beautiful handmade books, including text and decorative papers, bookcloth, leather, thread, tools and bindery equipment.
The Directory is tailored to people in the UK, but the advice on finding reconditioned, second hand, vintage and free supplies will be useful wherever you live. This is a text-based document with clickable links.
No matter where you are on your bookbinding journey, and no matter your budget, this Directory will help. It will save you from the frustration, confusion, wasted time and energy I experienced when I started out.
And unlike all those internet bookmarks you've saved, it will always be available. No 'sorry, this page cannot be found' messages, no makers no longer making, and bloggers no longer blogging. Just your trusty resource, with everything you need. I'll update it at least annually and you'll always get free access to the latest version.
After ordering, click the 'Access downloads' button on the order thank you page. You'll also receive an order confirmation email with a 'view order' button that takes you to the same place. To make sure you can always refer to your resource, please download and save it to your device. You will only be able to download it twice. You could also print it on standard A4 printer paper.
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You might also enjoy my companion resource, ‘A Beginner's Guide to Bookbinding Tools, Equipment and Materials’ [COMING SOON]. It details the professional tools, materials and equipment you could invest in, what the more affordable options are, and what you can substitute with items you may already have in your kitchen, craft stash or DIY toolbox.
Just one year into my bookbinding journey, and only just beginning to compile a much-needed suppliers list, this wonderful resource felt like striking gold. It’s well-written and organised, and I can’t thank Susan enough for sharing her knowledge and experience with such generosity. Highly recommend!