February 28, 2025
Picture this: bookbinding is your new hobby and you’re so excited. Like most people new to the craft, you’re taling the self-taught route for now and it’s all going fine until suddenly - overwhelm! What do those professional bookbinding terms mean? Is that awl the same as the one I have at home? Can I use any kind of glue? Do I need special paper? Where do I find waxed linen thread?
I hear you. I was you. Back in 2008 I started making my own books and I was hooked, but my goodness, was I confused. I may have cried (not just because the first book I made didn’t open properly), I certainly got demoralised. The good news is, through years of research, practice and perseverance, everything turned out fine. I've built a business, made books for clients all over the world and seen my work featured in some great books and magazines, too. But now, I want to make sure that you don't have to struggle like I did. That’s why I’ve created two easy to understand, incredibly useful pdf digital downloads.
The Beginner's Guide to Bookbinding Tools, Equipment and Materials helps you get started with clarity and confidence. The Directory of Bookbinding Suppliers is its companion and tells you where to go to find the supplies you need. If you’ve been making books for a while and want to level up your game with professional quality supplies, the Directory will be useful to you, too. They're the result of my 17 years’ experience as a bookbinder, and feedback from workshop participants, mentoring clients and test readers. Keep reading for a run-down of what you can expect in each resource.
This Guide means you can gather your own beginner’s bookbinding supplies with confidence. You can identify what items you need, find cheaper craft alternatives if necessary, and learn what freebies might work instead. It includes:
Are you wondering where to find these supplies for making your own books? Well, I’ve got you covered with another fantastic digital download. Read on...
At just £5 this is your complete sourcebook of everything you need for bookbinding. Arranged into 9 categories (see below), each of the 30+ entries has a description of the supplier and what they offer, and a clickable link to their store, so you can purchase what you need right away, and return to it time and again when you want to expand your kit.
“Just one year into my bookbinding journey, and only just beginning to compile a much-needed suppliers list, this wonderful resource felt like striking gold. It’s well-written and organised, and I can’t thank Susan enough for sharing her knowledge and experience with such generosity. Highly recommend!” – Lucie, E Sussex
The Directory is aimed at crafters in the UK and covers:
To wrap up, I want to remind you that you don’t need to feel overwhelmed, confused or frustrated. You don’t need to screenshot a million hot takes. You don’t need to bookmark a million links that might have vanished this time next year. Neither do you need to waste time and energy compiling your own list of what you need for bookbinding and where to find it all. All you need is in the Beginner’s Guide and the Directory. Download the pdfs for just £5, save them to your device and you could even print them out, if that’s helpful.
If you’re anything like me, you’re pretty good at figuring things out on your own. Sure, it helps when someone has done some of the work for you – that’s why I wrote these resources. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life, it’s that sometimes it’s incredibly helpful to just... talk to someone. That's why I’m available with online mentoring sessions for creatives who want to make books. Just me and you, each in our own creative space talking books, sharing information, solving problems and finding a path forward. Why not request a free 15 minute discovery call to see if we’re a good fit for each other? Alternatively, you’re welcome to just dip your toe in the water by emailing me with your thoughts or questions.
Where are you on your bookbinding journey, and what would help you right now? Feel free to leave a comment below.
Susan Green
contact form | info@boundbyhand.co.uk | +44 (0)7748 759 371
Make Japanese Stab Stitch Books: tools, tips & techniques
Paper sizes including contemporary and traditional British and North American sizes (Wikipedia)
Book sizes (Wikipedia)
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