September 24, 2024
You may known the Concertina folded book form as the Accordion or Zig-Zag. Both refer to the same book form - a folded style with pages stacked alongside or on top of each other. It’s pretty clear why they're called Accordions or Concertinas, after the musical instrument which expands and contracts in the player’s hands.
But do you know the salacious story behind the other name for this book form, the Leporello? That term comes from the tale of the infamous Don Giovanni, particularly Mozart's opera of the same name. Don Giovanni's manservant wasn't shy about keeping his opinions about his master's lifestyle to himself. In fact, he chided Don Giovanni for leading a 'rotten life', full of infidelity and innumerable 'conquests'.
In the Catalogue Aria in Act 1 of Mozart's opera, this manservant compiles a list ("il catalogo") of the thousands of women Don Giovanni has seduced. This list takes up so much space that the manservant, called Leporello, has to write it on a piece of paper folded on itself many times simply to make it a manageable size for him to handle. Unfurled to great effect in Mozart's opera, 'Leporello's List' has since lent an alternative name to folded books, brochures and other printed matter.
Image Copyright Cory Weaver
Concertina books offer so many possibilities for creative expression. Here are 5 ways that I know my artist customers have used their concertinas:
1. Photodocumentary travelogue, artist's book
2. Illustration of a wintry woodland walk
3. Garden photographs with handwritten text, exhibition display
4. Creating a tunnel story book for a grandchild
5. Wedding photograph album
They're a particularly striking way of combining images and text. Take a look at how photographer Robin Hutt made use of some bespoke folded books she commissioned me to make, to beautiful effect:
"I love your Accordion Sketchbooks because of their simplicity, the quality of the paper and their understated stylishness.... They are really helping me refine my ideas for this exhibition" Robin Hutt
My Concertina Sketchbooks expand to over 1 metre, but they're still not quite as long as Leporello's List! Nevertheless, I hope you'll find them fun, useful and enjoyable to use. You can find them here or shop using the button below.
How do you use yours?
Susan Green
+44 (0)7748 759 371 | contact form |
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March 03, 2025 4 Comments
February 28, 2025
What do those professional bookbinding terms mean? Can I use any kind of glue? Where do I find waxed linen thread? Do I need special paper? Is that awl as good as the one I already have? I hear you. I was you.
November 21, 2024